So, anyway, after listening to a couple of songs, I knew I had to get online to see what the band is up to and maybe take a peak at some photos while I was at it. They ARE the beautiful ones, after all and I wondered if they have aged gracefully. (Hehehe!)
Suede was the soundtrack of my teens. I molested their songs and devoured their videos like a rabid little hamster. Below, you can find 2 of my favorite videos. I guess, in a way, they paved the way to my decade long Web Design and Graphic Arts career, having made my first fansite during the good old Geocities/Angelfire days.
I just have to say, Neil Codling was so pretty during those years. His perfectly disheveled hair and careless handsome looks would make Dorian Gray envious. His absolute gorgeousness is captured at its epitomy, in my humble opinion, in the "Lazy" video. And how cute is Richard Oakes in that video? I have forgotten that awesome jumping scene. Classic. Ah! Good times...
"And if your baby's going crazy,
That's how you made me..."

Beautiful Ones is one of my fav from Suede
♫ I Go high on Diesel , Gasoline , pyscho on drum machine
and the music video was cool too
I'll definitely also admit to New Kids fandom, many moons ago.
thank you for your comments on my blog.
hello from Lisa
i honestly had never heard of them till just now...when i was a teen i didnt know what anything was other then country because that's what my dad listened to. then when i realized there were other options i only really figured out what was on the radio...which was, my eyes are open to a whole new world of options! ha ha
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