The lovely Ms. Colleen of North of 25A just gave me an award! The Beautiful Blogger Award! I've been blogging for more than 10 years now and almost a dozen of my blogs have come and gone but I must say, I've never won an award! This is super duper fantastically awesome! Thank you again, Ms. Colleen!
Here are the rules behind the award:
1. Thank and link to the person that gave you the award. Check!
2. Pass this award onto 10 bloggers.
- Zorks
- G-ography
- Dear Etsy...
- Muse in Kansas
- Rachel Red Lips
- Too Much Too Young
- Calivintage
- Lulu Letty
- Jess James Jake
- Sweet Irie
4. Tell seven things about yourself:
- I am still trying to find my personal style but I'm totally digging the 80s lately.
- I hoard clothes and shoes like there's no tomorrow.
- "Sale" and "Clearance" are 2 of the most dangerous words.
- I actually clip and use coupons.
- I believe that Chocolate Chip Cookies are the best comfort food ever!
- I'm very crafty. I can sew, crochet, and do artsy stuff with my dandy laptop.
- The 10 Bloggers are blogs that I read most often. I have yet to properly introduce myself to some of them so I guess this would be the moment... *waves*