Yulia Brodskaya is a Russian born artist who is well known for her "papergraphic" illustrations. She transforms ribbons of paper into stunning masterpieces that are simply amazing! Her works are so expertly crafted that it opens up a new dimension to paper quilling. You will never look at twirled paper the same way again.

After I saw Yulia's works, there was no denying that I immediately felt inspired. I've dabbled with paper quilling a few years back but I never really knew that there's so much more you can do with it than just your usual twirled animals and flowers. Yulia's works definitely opened my eyes to new possibilities one can make with this old craft. She illustrated with twirled paper! Her creativity definitely gave it new life. To me, this is such a classic old school meets new school moment. Don't you just love it when things just get better?
WOW. O_O That is so srsly awesome talent. You're right, v. inspiring. :) Love the post.
I'm not so crafty but these are amazing..her attention to details is remarkable :)
eclectic du jour
Wow thanks for sharing fantastic post! How awesome! Your etsy shop looks super cool going to check it out!
- Adele
These are amazing. Makes me look at paper in a different way.
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