My friend is getting married next week. Being the dutiful bride's maid, I'm coordinating her Bachelorette Party, which is going to be this Saturday. Whoopeedoo! It should be fun but right now, I'm just overwhelmed with all the preparations. I wish I could just skip all this and go straight to the fun parts! Hehehe!
I spent the whole evening making souvenirs. It gave me a chance to whip out my dandy, hardcore button maker (Thank you, my lovely family, for such an awesome gift!) But what was supposed to be easy, turned out to be a major production number. Nothing wanted to cooperate this evening. The tape, the magnets, the cutter... Absolutely nothing! I'm just so thankful that Mr. Old School was kind enough to lend a hand. I really couldn't have done it without him.
I really feel neglectful. I've been meaning to update the shop for the looongest time! I already have the photos ready. I just can't seem to pin down a time to get it all done. Sometimes, I wish I was some sort of Gremlin. Well, a useful, tame and neat Gremlin. Just add water and I'd multiply like crazy! But of course, you have to feed me first! That would be awesome! Then I'd get more things done! Come to think of it, I think I'll just take helpful little elves or gnomes. Too much of me running around will definitely drive Mr. Old School crazy and I don't want that. I already drive him crazy myself! Hehehe!
Anyway, below was what I have been up to, all handmade with love...

wow awesome button badges
i love the Bride's Bitches ♥
music drives my creativity too. i'm always draining my ipod because i have it on throughout the day, while i'm driving, reading, and working on orders. ok go's music videos are always so fun to watch too!
love the buttons so much!
very cheeky + clever :D
Woah. They look amazing. Def. something I would buy if I saw in a store. (I think I might ask for something similar for my birthday :P)
how, great such a cool idea! all the best wishes to your dear friend and lots of fun at the wedding!
cute buttons! love the idea!
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